Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP)


Walmsley can be contacted effective immediately by:

1.    Calling Toll Free  1-800-481-5511    OR

2.    Booking an appointment online here

Walmsley is a Canadian company that provides Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP) services to companies and organizations. The company began as a proprietorship under Garth Walmsley in 1992 and became incorporated in 1994. Initially the company consisted of a small group of counsellors devoted to providing quality EFAP services to organizations in the Prince George region. Since 1994, Walmsley has grown to provide comprehensive Employee and Family Assistance Programs to a variety of public and private sector organizations throughout western Canada. Walmsley provides innovative services that are supported by two-way relationships with employers and a network of counsellors. The services focus not only on counselling intervention but also on wellness initiatives and professional services to the organization as a whole, therefore taking a holistic approach to service delivery.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Darcy Culling  at hrwellness@sd57.bc.ca